
Thank you for visiting and spending time on If you like what we’re doing, consider becoming a contributor. This will help our team spend more time on the project.

Contribute to the Project

Contribute as low as US$ 5.00 or as much as you can easily afford. Simply click on the following button to visit the Ko-fi website where you can safely pay with PayPal:

Or pay directly at the PayPal website:

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Share the link to our Ko-fi page with friends and family who would make a contribution:

Who are is a project by It’sMyDeen! We are dedicated to sharing Islam through Dawah and by making the Holy Quran available to the world—absolutely free of charge!

Why contribute to this Project?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity” – Tirmidhi. By making a donation to, you will be contributing towards the enhancement of the content on our site, as well as earning lots of rewards!

Is the site popular?

Our Google Analytics site data reports that 51,000 users accessed the website for a total of 124,000 sessions in the past calendar year. A typical user on the site spends 4 minutes and 14 seconds per session. So the site is massively popular!

The data in this answer was last updated on 1 Jun 2022. If you require the latest stats please get in touch.

Where will my contribution be used?

Your contribution will be appropriately used for promoting and enhancing the content of, such as:

  • Supporting our costs like payment of domain names and other admin expenses.
  • The team’s day-to-day expenses to allow them to spend more time on the project.
  • Adding the Appendices and the Index (famously promoted by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat).
  • Including the Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (that appears in the form of footnotes).